This guide will assist you with setting up your BungeeCord server.

Before you start you will need a minimum of two servers

1. To start, head over to your BungeeCord server (This should be the smallest server, eg. 1GB)

2. Next, start your server and wait for it to load all the files.

3. Once the server loaded all files, stop the server and head over to your file manager and open config.yml.

4. Next, change the following in config.yml:

- Change from ip_forward: false to ip_forward: true

- Change the port at host to 25565

5. After that, for adding your server(s), Head to the servers section in config.yml and change the following:

- address: localhost:25565 to address: (Change this to your ip:port)

6. Finally head to your other server(s) that you're adding to the BungeeCord server.

7. On every server you add, go to your file manager and open and change the following:

- Change from online-mode: true to online-mode: false

8. After changing, go to spigot.yml and change the following:

- Change from bungeecord: false to bungeecord: true

9. Once you've done all that, restart all servers and try connect through the BungeeCord IP.

If you encounter any difficulties, please open a support ticket.

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